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Download 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD for iOS (FREE) -
  • Platform: iOS
  • Updated: 20.12.2022
  • Language: en fr de pl it es pt
  • App Store: open
Did aliens play a role in the construction of ancient wonders? Workers Guild 7 can build their own futuristic village if you contact aliens with 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover. In exchange for gold and precious gems, ancient aliens share their technology and expertise in architectural construction. The aliens agreed to give the workers and their families a village to live in so they wouldn't have to leave for too long. You will be taken to the Temple of Solomon, G?bekli Tepe, Puma Punku, and other ancient locations.
  • 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD
  • 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD
  • 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD
  • 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD
  • 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD
  • 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD
7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD

Download 7 Wonders: Ancient Alien Makeover HD iOS version for free

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