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Download Tom Loves Angela for iOS (FREE) -
  • Platform: iOS
  • Updated: 20.12.2022
  • Language: en fr de pl it es pt
  • App Store: open
Tom is playing a new game that requires him to climb up to the roof of a home to see his girl, Angela. He is giving her gifts in order to woo her, while singing a song, and having a chat with her. It will be hard, because Tom is trying to do something and Ginger is trying to stop him. He will repeat your words if you talk to Tom. Put Tom or an alternative in the picture to see how they respond. You can kiss Tom if you put your thumb in his mouth. Referring to: Shake the device to cause an earthquake. The microphone should be blow to make wind. "You can enter chat mode by pressing the letter button." It is better to press the Song button than to listen to the song. Press the flower pot button to see Ginger throw a pot.
  • Tom Loves Angela
  • Tom Loves Angela
  • Tom Loves Angela
  • Tom Loves Angela
  • Tom Loves Angela
  • Tom Loves Angela
Tom Loves Angela

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